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  • Lara Edwards

A Significant Event: Produce Exchange

Updated: May 4, 2020

24 April 2020

"In this modern society too often to we feel that everything has to revolve around money"

The intention of my project is to show how the production of produce can be so much more than simply economic consumerism. This single event has serious significance - highlighting the importance of community, exchange and self-sufficiency without having to use money as a transaction. All of which stemmed from the simple act of growing rhubarb.

(WARNING: video below contains images that may be upsetting to viewers)

In the video above I asked where the cockerel was from and how much it had cost, just as I started recording so this part of the speech may not be too clear.

The subject in the footage replies with "no, it was for free", and carries on by saying that "this is what neighbours do, i gave her some rhubarb."

This exchange has stemmed from the simple act of growing rhubarb in one's vegetable patch and which in turn has benefited other members of the community as well as ourselves.

(WARNING: video below contains images that may be upsetting for some viewers)

The production of Rhubarb, can have far reaching effects..... ! From supporting the local community to showing a new (yet somewhat old/traditional) style transaction.

Technical thoughts -

The subject in the video above did not their face to be fully showing - due to the nature of the video that some viewers may find upsetting; hence the style of the shot. I also felt that by using this angle or shot is gives the viewer a clearer situational picture of the surrounding area - as if they were there - and the subject themselves was less aware of the camera, meaning that actions and behaviours were much more natural. In film-making it is hard to completely capture the real - people subconsciously change their behaviour when they know they are being watched. To me it was of the upmost importance that my viewers have a truthful experience in order to gain the same insights as i did through this visual process.

Lastly I did not capture the exchange of the rhubarb as i was not aware that it had been made until this exact event. I also did not document the killing of the Cockerel as I was firstly worried that it may be distressing for some viewers and also the act of killing is not part of the journey that this ethnographic account is taking. The important part is the exchange.

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