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Due to the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 it has meant that this has significantly impacted various elements of my project. To begin with my intention was to follow the production of food from a garden to restaurant setting, as a commodity chain. Following the ingredients from each stage to the next, whilst documenting the types of peoples and behaviours involved. Achieved via observational cinema, or 'covert filming', allowing the filmmaker to be an objective observer. Capturing scenes that are the 'real', that evolve naturally without manipulation of the filmmaker. 

This however was not possible as soon as isolation laws were put in place, it meant that these exact places of interest were no longer open. I had to protect myself by self-isolating which restricted me to my home. So with the material I had already captured, I used this as inspiration and it lead me down a new path to create my own 'Garden to Kitchen' at home in Northamptionshire, little did I know that I would discover a much bigger and more exciting concept. 

In relation to my title, 'Confused Planet', Covid-19 has significant relevance that cannot be ignored. I cannot help but think that before Covid-19 we were suffocating the earth, and now the situation has flipped, we are suffocating and earth is breathing. We must learn from this troubling time and maybe take note from elements of my project to live in a more self-sufficient and conscience way. 

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